Jan Juc sunrise adventures

I know for most people if they think of having professional family photos at the beaches in Torquay & Jan Juc, they are probably not considering the option a shoot at sunrise in the middle of winter. But the longer I live in Torquay, the more I have fallen in love with cool winter mornings on the beach.

This beautiful little family session took place in early July - renowned in Victoria as one of the most cold & miserable months of the year - but , if you can be:

  • flexible with dates - always handy if we can swap days at the last minute if the weather turns truly awful

  • love the idea of getting rugged up and having lots of cosy/cuddly quality time with your fam

You will be rewarded with:

  • quieter locations - our beaches during the summer months are often full of tourists (even at sunrise) but over the winter months it’s often just us & the dog walkers)

  • the chance of some pure MAGICAL mornings - I’m not pretending we don’t have our fair share of wild weather, but some of the best sunrises & conditions i’ve seen here in Jan Juc have been during the winter months

  • Kid friendly start times (!!) - during the height of summer, if you want to catch the sunrise over the ocean in Torquay / Jan Juc, you need to be on the beach by 6am (😅) - in winter, you’ll be looking at starting much closer to 7/7:30am but still getting the best golden hour light!

Obviously I wouldn’t dream of asking you to take my word from it, you’re much better off having a quick scroll through this recent winter sunrise family photography session so you can see for your very own eyes just how wonderful they can be!!

As always, if you have any questions at all, I’m always very happy to chat , please feel free to shoot me through a message and i’ll always do my best to get back to you within 24-48 hours.