5 reasons to consider having your family photography session at home

I’m sure it goes without saying that I absolutely adore outdoor sessions. Photographing families in stunning locations here on the Surf Coast in beautiful light is always wonderful! However, in home family photo sessions have a special place in my heart - I love them for lots of reasons, and so I thought today, why not share a few of those reasons with you 👇

1) The weather doesn’t matter

And considering we live in Victoria where we often experience 4 seasons in 1 day - this is a BIG pro!

It means that really unless someone is sick, your session can go ahead rain, hail or shine.

That eliminates any risk of needing to reschedule your session if the forecast is looking sketchy, and it also means you can plan your outfits for the day with confidence and not having to worry about what the weather is going to do on the day!

2) You’re in the space where you feel the most comfortable and relaxed

Especially for young kids or just anyone who is a little camera shy, being at home can make a huge difference with any pre-photoshoot nerves!

Also you’ve got the added bonus of walls and doors to keep little ones who might not otherwise stay in one place for long, contained… (as I read this back I realise it kind of sounds like I’m comparing your home to child prison… but, as a mum to two young kids, sometimes you just need to be in a secure, enclosed space right!? 🙈)

3) Flexible session times

Because outdoor sessions are scheduled to coincide with either sunrise or sunset, they’re not always convenient for young families. That’s not the case for in home sessions though – these times are flexible & can be scheduled around little ones nap times.

4) Capturing your every day moments

During in home sessions, there are so many more opportunities to capture your every day moments together, the moments that can sometimes feel monotonous or insignificant but that often tend to be the moments we look back on and treasure the most.

I often think about how, even though I have a reputation for skipping up to 50% of the words in our books at bedtime in an attempt to speed up the getting to sleep process, one day soon my kids are not going to want me to read to them anymore..photos and memories are all i’ll have of that time.. of that ritual that we did together every night for years and years.

5) Meaningful memories

We recently moved out of the home we had lived in for 10 years ourselves, and it was actually much more emotional than I thought!  The reality is, that house was the first place our kids ever called home. The place where we created so many special memories together as a family. Having family photos captured in your kids childhood home is something that will always be treasured.

But also, have you ever looked back at your own childhood photos (you’ll find them in this strange antique called a photo album… there will probably be around 50 photos from your entire childhood in it 😆) - how great it is it looking back on the photos and seeing your own childhood home? The furniture, the wallpaper, the curtains… 80s interior was SO good.

As the weather cools down here in Torquay, now is the perfect time to consider booking your in home family photography session. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like more information or to book a session!