Summer Days

So a couple of nights ago on Facebook, I asked you guys what you wanted to see more of.... despite the results being completely rigged by biased family members, the result was "YOUR KIDS". So here they are. This is a little glimpse into our lives over the past month.... just some of the highlights, because trust me, you don't want to see the messy lowlights ! 

Reading books on the trampoline *not what we spent hundreds of dollars on that for guys....*, fights over who gets to water the garden, a trip to Phillip Island (where we stayed in the cutest little airbnb with the most AH-MAZING wallpaper and window light - in the end, I took more photos in that bedroom than I did at the beach... because as you can probably tell from the photos, the beach was bloody freezing), and just some hanging out at home. A real random selection... but that's us !    

Dedicated to the McEwans
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Would you like to take a guess at who was the innocent victim in all of this!? 

Would you like to take a guess at who was the innocent victim in all of this!? 

The light...the wallpaper...the girl... 

The light...the wallpaper...the girl... 

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